APEX investments

Creative solutions, creative results.



We are offering the best services in the field of finance & investing strategies. We are always taking care of our clients and business partners. Contact us; we're here to help you grow your funds.



Our team is passionate about bringing next level to our clients! We are innovators and always looking for the best performance : safety ratio! For our services please contact us.

About image
Apex Investments d.o.o. , management of alternative (hedge) funds, Dunajska cesta 103, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU, is a registered manager of hedge funds at the Securities Market Agency in Slovenia
The company was established due to the increased demand for alternative investments. We are focusing on new attractive industries and investments that can bring higher returns. When investing capital, we use innovative and advanced investment tactics and strategies to increase assets and minimize the risks.
The company's mission is to offer an innovative approach to investing and enriching assets.

Hedge funds managed by Apex Investments are formed as a separate asset, part of which investors are entitled to, on the basis of registered, materialized securities. We operate in accordance with business standards such as: ISIN code, standard accounting, valuation of net asset value and units.
Our team consists of experts with many years of experience in the field of investment and property valuation. We work closely with international experts and managers to provide us with access to the most up-to-date investments worldwide.

  • Dunajska cesta 103, Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Uvodno obvestilo

Družba Apex Investments, upravljanje alternativnih investicijskih skladov, d.o.o. (v nadaljevanju: družba Apex Investments ali upravljavec) je ustanovljena skladno z Zakonom o upravljavcih alternativnih investicijskih skladov (ZUAIS, Ur. l. RS, št. 32/15), predpisi, izdanimi na podlagi ZUAIS, in drugo relevantno zakonodajo.

Pojem »vlagatelj« v tej izjavi ima isti pomen, kot je določen s Splošnimi pogoji za uporabod spletnega mesta http://www.apex-investments.si.

Skladi Apex Investments (v nadaljevanju: Skladi) so oblikovani kot ločeno premoženje družbe Apex Investments in niso pravne osebe. Skladi so podvrženi državnemu letnemu nadzoru s strani ATVP. Skladi niso regulirani s strani državne institucije, kot to velja npr. za vzajemne sklade. Enota sklada ima enolično identifikacijo številko (ISIN koda) dodeljeno s strani Klirinško depotne družbe d.d., Tivolska cesta 48, 1000 Ljubljana.

Naložba v Sklade je visoko tvegana naložba in je namenjena zgolj tistim vlagateljem, ki razpolagajo z zadostno količino denarnih sredstev, imajo izkušnje s trgovanjem z virtualnimi valutami ali z vlaganjem v vrednostne papirje ali finančne instrumente, ter so pripravljeni prevzeti vsa naložbena tveganja v zvezi z naložbo v Sklade in ustrezajo drugim pogojem, ki jih določa relevantna zakonodajo v Republiki Sloveniji. Pri naložbah v Sklade je možno, da vlagatelj ne bo dobil povrnjenega celotnega vloženega zneska. Preteklo gibanje vrednosti enote sklada ne odraža gibanja vrednosti v prihodnosti.

Vsebina tega spletnega mesta je namenjena izključno osnovnemu informiranju vlagatelja ter je lahko predmet sprememb kadar koli in v kakršnem koli obsegu brez predhodnega opozorila.

Družba Apex Investments ne odgovarja za kakršno koli dopolnitev, spremembo ter začasno ali dokončno ukinitev katerega koli produkta ali storitve, opisane na tem spletnem mestu. Spletno mesto je namenjeno in usmerjeno k slovenskim in tujim profesionalnim vlagateljem, z izjemo vlagateljev iz Združenih držav Amerike. Informacije, vsebovane na tem spletnem mestu, ne predstavljajo nikakršnega finančnega, naložbenega, davčnega, pravnega ali druge vrste strokovnega svetovanja, niti ne vzpostavljajo ali oblikujejo ponudbe za izdajo ali prodajo ali kakršnega koli vabila k ponudbi pristopa k skladu ali nakupa enot sklada. Ponudba o prodaji enot sklada ali nagovarjanje k nakupu enot sklada je možna zgolj in samo na podlagi pravil upravljanja sklada z dostavo ponudbenega in ostalih relevantnih dokumentov vlagateljem, ki so skladno s slovensko zakonodajo opredeljeni kot profesionalne stranke oziroma jih kot take kvalificira družba Apex Investments, ali z njene strani pooblaščene osebe. Dokumenti iz prejšnjega stavka lahko vsebujejo informacije, ki niso dostopne na našem spletnem mestu, in v primeru razlikovanja nadomestijo katerokoli informacijo, ki je dostopna na našem spletnem mestu, v celoti. Informacij na tem spletnem mestu se ne sme razlagati kot osebnega priporočila za nakup ali trgovanje z enotami sklada in se ne smejo šteti za nagovarjanje k zagotavljanju drugih izdelkov ali storitev družbe Apex Investments. Družba Apex Investments ne daje nikakršnih izjav, garancij ali zagotovil glede točnosti, pravočasnosti, uspešnosti in popolnosti informacij, materialov ali mnenj, pripravljenih in objavljenih na tem spletnem mestu s strani družbe Apex Investments ali s strani katerega koli izmed njenih partnerjev ali zaposlenih, in ne prevzema odgovornosti navedenih oseb za morebitne netočnosti ali napake pri podajanju informacij in/ali v zvezi z vsebino posredovanih informacij. Prav tako je prepovedano sklicevanje na kakršno koli informacijo ali mnenje, vsebovano na tem spletnem mestu. Vlagatelj vse informacije in material uporablja v celoti na svojo lastno odgovornost.


To spletno mesto uporablja piškotke z namenom nenehne izboljšave našega spletnega mesta. Piškotki ne vsebujejo in ne hranijo osebnih podatkov. Z nadaljnjo uporabo tega spletnega mesta se strinjate z Uvodnim obvestilom in uporabo piškotkov na naši strani.




Apex Investments, Alternative Investment Fund Manager, Ltd. (hereinafter: Apex Investments, or operator) is established in accordance with the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act (AIFM Act, RS Official Journal, No. 32/15), regulations issued under the AIFM Act, and other relevant legislation. The term “investor” in this document has the same meaning as defined in the Website Terms and Conditions of Use.

Apex Investments, manages alternative investment funds (hereinafter: the Funds) and is listed in the Alternative Investment Fund Managers’ Register at the Securities Market Agency, Poljanski nasip 6, 1000 Ljubljana. The Funds are formed as an internal entities of Apex Investments, and has no legal personality. The Funds are not regulated by a state institution, as is envisaged for example for mutual funds. Each Fund unit has an International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) assigned by the Central Securities Clearing Corporation Plc., Tivolska cesta 48, 1000 Ljubljana.

Investing in the Funds carries a high risk and is intended only for those investors who have a sufficient amount of assets at their disposal, possess knowledge and have experience in dealing with virtual currencies or with investing in securities or financial instruments and are willing to take on all investment risk in relation to an investment in a fund, all in accordance with Slovenian legislation. When investing in a fund, it is possible that the investor will not receive the full amount invested. The past movement of the unit value of a fund is not a success indicator and does not suggest the same movement in the future. The content of this website is intended solely to deliver general information to the user and may be subject to change at any time to any extent without prior notice. Apex Investments, is not responsible for any addition, modification or suspension or termination of all the products or services described on this site. The site is aimed at Slovenian and foreign professional investors, with the exception of investors from the United States of America. The information contained on this website does not constitute any financial, investment, tax, legal or other professional advice, nor does it establish or create offers for issuance or sale or any invitation to offer access to the fund or purchase of units of the fund. The offer for the sale of units of a fund or the solicitation for the purchase of units of a fund is possible only on the basis of the investment fund rules by the delivery of tender documents and other relevant documents to investors who are defined in accordance with Slovenian legislation as professional investors. The documents in the preceding sentence may contain information that is not accessible on our site and in the event, the contents differ it will replace any information that is accessible on our site in its entirety. The information on this site should not be interpreted as a personal recommendation for the purchase or trading of fund units and should not be considered as a solicitation for the provision of other products or services. Apex Investments, makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy, timeliness, effectiveness and completeness of the information, materials or opinions prepared and published on this site by Apex Investments, or by any of its partners or employees and does not assume any liability for possible inaccuracies or errors that as a consequence derives from commission or omission by subjects mentioned in this sentence. Nor is there any reference to any purpose of the information and opinions contained in this document. The user shall use all information and material in its entirety at its own risk.


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